Thursday, November 11, 2010

[Stars & Writing] Ko Soo’s charming handwritten note

This is the most hilarious interview I have done and I burst out laughing on seeing such a cute handwritten note by Ko Soo.
 During an interview with Ko Soo, I handed a piece of paper to him and told him to write something on it. I told him that whatever is written, is OK. The interview progressed and still the paper was blank after some time. I asked him why hasn’t he written anything? He replied that he didn’t know what to write. I then explained to him the purpose of the “Stars & Writing” section. “Whatever you want to write is fine. Some people simply draw a picture and sign their name”, I said. Ko Soo pointed to my laptop in surprise, “A picture and a signature? I can write anything, right? I am thinking of writing XXX…” “XXX” was the brand name which was stamped on the laptop. After a moment of embarrassment, I said, “No, not the XXX…” He gave an innocent smile, “Oh! Alright, I will write something else”. And he started writing.

He picked up a blue and yellow highlighter and wrote: To Mr Yeeun (reporter’s name), followed by Psychic November 10, then signed his name in Chinese. And with the green highlighter, he wrote over the blue letterings the word “happy!”, followed by the date of interview. He even drew a sun to complete the cute message.

Throughout the interview, the friendly Ko Soo addressed me as Mr Yeeun and the message was also addressed to M Yeeun. Nobody has ever done that. This is the first time I have a message addressed personally to “Mr Yeeun”. Everyone who was present looked at the message and said, “It’s so Ko Soo!”.

Though my encounter with Ko Soo was a short one which did not last more than an hour, but I could feel his warmth, just like the sun that he drew.

Translated by ELSIE via sportchosun

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